REVEALED:How often you should wash your bras

Bras are nice. But how often do you need to wash them?
Well, funnily enough, the frequency with which you should clean your bra depends on how many times it's been worn.
According to Elle 's Julie Kerr, some women have plenty of the clothing items, while others have a handful of favourites that they regularly rotate.
But simply, bras should be washed every three-to-six wearings , the lifestyle writer says, and should be interchanged so the elastic can 'rest'. So don't wear the same bra consecutively, if you can avoid doing so.
As you're well aware, bras cover an 'intimate' area. They pick up sweat and bacteria. There are some other things you should know about bras. If indeed you wear them. (Why're you reading this if not?).

REVEALED:How often you should wash your bras REVEALED:How often you should wash your bras Reviewed by h on 12:58 Rating: 5

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