Today in history:Slave work ban on Sunday, Howard university established, Pele score his 1000th career goal

  • 762 Bögü, Khan of the Uyghurs, conquers Lo-Yang, capital of the Chinese Empire
  • 1168 Giovanni di Struma elected anti-Pope
  • 1194 Palermo is conquered by Emperor Henry VI.
  • 1272 Edward I proclaimed King of England
  • 1342 Pope Clemens VI names John IV of Arkel as bishop of Utrecht
  • 1347 Coke di Rienzo, later Roman Tribunal, addressess a meeting of on the Capitol during people's revolt in Rome
  • 1407 A truce between John the Fearless, Duke of Burgundy and Louis of Valois, Duke of Orléans is agreed under the auspices of John, Duke of Berry. Orléans would be assassinated three days later by Burgundy.
  • 1431 First meeting of Order of the Golden Fleece
  • 1520 Friesland hit by heavy hail storm
  • 1521 Arabs attribute shortage of water in Jerusalem to Jews making wine
  • 1583 Duke of Parma conquers Aalst
  • 1616 Bishop Richelieu becomes French minister of Foreign affairs/War
  • 1637 Peter Minuit & 1st Swedish immigrants to Delaware sail from Sweden
  • 1695 Zumbi last leaders of Quilombo dos Palmares in early Brazil and ex-slave, is executed
  • 1719 Sweden & Hannover sign peace Treaty of Stockholm
  • 1759 -22] Battle in Bay of Quiberon, British beat French
  • 1789 New Jersey is 1st state to ratify Bill of Rights
  • 1795 Curacao government forbids slave work on Sunday
    • 1815 Russia, Prussia, Austria & England signs Alliance "for the maintenance of peace in Europe" same day as Treaty of Paris
    • 1817 First Seminole War begins in Florida
    • 1829 Jews expelled from Nikolayev & Sevastopol Russia
  • 1852 Charles Reade/Tom Taylor's "Masks & Faces" premieres in London
  • 1861 Secession ordinance is filed by Kentucky's Confederate government.
  • 1862 Confederate armies of Mississippi and Kentucky merge as Army of Tennessee, under General Braxton Bragg
  • 1866 First national convention of Grand Army of Republic (veterans' org)
  • 1866 Howard University founded (Washington, D.C.)
  • 1866 Pierre Lalemont patents rotary crank bicycle
  • 1873 Rival cities of Buda & Pest unite to form the capital of Hungary
  • 1888 Willard Bundy patents timecard clock
  • 1889 Gustav Mahler's 1st Symphony
  • 1890 Pope Leo XIII encyclical "On Slavery in the Missions"
  • 1894 US intervenes in Bluefields, Nicaragua
  • 1901 Opera "Grisélidis" is produced (Paris)
  • 1902 Geo Lefevre & Henri Desgrange create Tour de France bicycle race

  • 1909 Jack Williams of Ottawa Rough Riders kicks 9 singles in a game
  • 1910 Revolution broke out in Mexico, led by Francisco I Madero
  • 1911 Gustav Mahler's "Das Lied von der Erde" (Song of the Earth) premieres in Munich
  • 1914 US State Department starts requiring photographs for passports
  • 1915 7th CFL Grey Cup: Hamilton Tigers defeats Toronto Rowing, 13-7
  • 1917 First successful tank use in battle (Britain breaks through German lines) at Battle of Cambrai WWI
  • 1917 Ukrainian Republic declared
  • 1919 1st municipally owned airport in US opens (Tucson Az)
  • 1920 Nobel Peace Prize awarded to US president W Wilson
  • 1922 Zoe Akins' "Texas Nightingale" premieres in NYC
  • 1923 Garrett Morgan invents & patents traffic signal
  • 1923 Rentenmark replaces the Papiermark as the official currency of Germany at the exchange rate of one Rentenmark to One Trillion (One Billion on the long scale) Papiermark
  • 1928 Boston Gardens opens, Mont Canadiens beat Boston Bruins, 1-0
  • 1928 WGH-AM in Newport News VA begins radio transmissions
  • 1929 First broadcast of "Goldbergs" on US radio
  • 1931 Commercial teletype service begins (AT&T)
  • 1932 Earthquake at Uden Netherlands

  • 1934 Lillian Hellman's "Children's Hour" premieres in NYC
  • 1934 New Belgian government of Theunis, Francqui & Gutt (3 bankers)
  • 1934 Tornoto Maple Leaf Harvey Jackson is 1st to score 4 goals in 1 period
  • 1936 Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera, founder of the Falange is killed by a republican execution squad.
  • 1938 1st documented anti-semitic remarks over US radio (by Father Coughlin)
  • 1940 Hungary joins 3 Power pact
  • 1940 World War II: Hungary, Romania and Slovakia join the Axis Powers.
  • 1941 Adm Nomura & Kurusu hands over Japanese last diplomatic note
  • 1941 German "auxiliary cruiser" (armed merchant raider) Kormoran sinks near Australia
  • 1942 26th Russian Armoured Corps recaptures Perelazovski
  • 1942 British 8th Army recaptures Benghazi, Libya
  • 1942 NHL abolishes regular season OT until WW II is over
  • 1943 U-538 sinks in Atlantic Ocean
  • 1943 US forces land on Tarawa & Makin Atoll in Gilbert Island
  • 1944 1st Japanese suicide submarine attack (Ulithi Atol, Carolines)
  • 1944 Amsterdam: Vondelpark closed because of kappen of trees
  • 1944 Prince Bernhard establishes staff in Breda
  • 1945 24 Nazi leaders put on trial at Nuremberg, Germany
  • 1945 Dmitri Shostakovitch's 9th Symphony under J Mravinski premieres
  • 1945 Queen Wilhelmina opens Dutch parliament in Hague
  • 1946 Lillian Hellman's "Another Part of the Forest" premieres in NYC
  • 1947 "Meet the Press" makes network TV debut on NBC
  • 1947 1st permanent TV installed on seagoing vessel (New Jersey)
  • 1947 Pope Pius XII publishes encyclical Mediator Dei
  • 1947 UN General assembly begins debate on printing their own stamps
  • 1948 US balloon reaches height of 42.7 km (record)
  • 1949 Jewish population of Israel reaches 1,000,000
  • 1951 Snowdonia becomes a British National Park
  • 1952 Cubs slugger Hank Sauer wins NL MVP
  • 1952 George Axelrod's "Seven Year Itch" premieres in NYC
  • 1954 KTRK TV channel 13 in Houston, TX (ABC) begins broadcasting
  • 1955 Kripal Singh scores 100 on Test Cricket debut, India v NZ
  • 1955 Polly Umrigar scores India's 1st Test Cricket double century, 223 v NZ
  • 1957 Morton Wishengrad's "Rope Dancers" premieres in NYC
  • 1959 UN adopts Universal Declaration of Children's Rights
  • 1959 WABC fires Alan Freed over payola scandal
  • 1960 11th Formula One WDC: Jack Brabham wins by nine points
  • 1961 WPLG TV channel 10 in Miami, FL (ABC) begins broadcasting
  • 1962 USSR agrees to remove bombers from Cuba, & US lifts blockade
  • 1964 Dmitri Shostakovitch's 9th/10th String Quartet premieres in Moscow
  • 1965 "Pickwick" closes at 46th St Theater NYC after 56 performances
  • 1965 UN Security council calls for boycott of Rhodesia
  • 1965 WCNY TV channel 24 in Syracuse, NY (PBS) begins broadcasting
  • 1966 "Cabaret" opens at Broadhurst Theater NYC for 1166 performances
  • 1966 Clifford Ann Creed wins LPGA Success Golf Open
  • 1966 Dallas sacks Pittsburgh QBs an NFL record 12 times
  • 1966 Men in Zurich vote against female suffrage
  • 1967 At 11 AM, Census Clock at Department of Commerce ticks past 200 million
  • 1967 Mets pitcher Tom Seaver (16-12) is named NL Rookie of Year
  • 1968 US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site.

  • 1970 UN General Assembly accepts membership of China PR
  • 1971 US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site
  • 1971 21st NASCAR Sprint Cup: Richard Petty wins
  • 1972 2 British soldiers are killed in a booby trap bomb in Cullyhanna, County Armagh
  • 1974 Rangers' Jeff Burroughs wins AL MVP
  • 1974 The US files antitrust suit to break-up AT&T
    • 1976 Judy Rankin wins LPGA Colgate-Hong Kong Golf Open
    • 1977 Egyptian Pres Sadat became 1st Arab leader to address Israeli Knesset
    • 1977 Steve Largent begins NFL streak of 177 consecutive game receptions
    • 1977 27th NASCAR Sprint Cup: Cale Yarborough wins
    • 1979 Sji'ieten occupies great mosque of Mecca, 100s killed
    • 1979 US's 1st artificial blood transfusion occurs at University of Minnesota Hospital
    • 1980 Steve Ptacek in Solar Challenger makes 1st solar-powered flight
    • 1980 UA withdraws $44 million movie "Heaven's Gate" for re-editing
    • 1980 United Nations Gulf War mediator Olof Palme makes first unsuccessful peace shuttle between Tehran and Baghdad
    • 1981 Anatoly Karpov, USSR retains world chess championship
    • 1981 Burundi adopts its constitution
    • 1981 El Salvador guerrilla group FMLN opens "limited offensive"
    • 1981 Ringo releases "Stop & Smell Roses" album.
    • 1983 "Marilyn: An American Fable" opens at Minskoff NYC for 16 performances
    • 1983 100 million watch ABC-TV movie "Day After" about nuclear war
    • 1983 Cleveland Browns shutout Patriots 30-0
    • 1983 NY Giants Butch Woolfolk ties NFL record of 43 attempts rushing.
    • 1984 McDonald's makes its 50 billionth hamburger
    • 1984 Mets pitcher Dwight Gooden wins NL Rookie of Year
    • 1984 SETI Institute (Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence) is founded.
    • 1985 NY Yankee Don Mattingly easily wins AL MVP
    • 1985 Microsoft Windows 1.0 is released.
    • 1986 Afghanistan President Babrak Karmal flees
    • 1986 World Health Organization announces first global effort to combat AIDS
    • 1988 "Les Miserables" opens a Bus & Truck tour in Tampa
    • 1988 38th NASCAR Sprint Cup: Bill Elliott wins
    • 1989 Milwaukee Brewers center fielder Robin Yount wins AL MVP
    • 1990 Soviet Union shows reluctance to endorse the use of force against Iraq
    • 1991 Atlanta Braves Terry Pendleton wins NL MVP
    • 1992 Queen Elizabeth's home Windsor Castle catches fire
    • 1993 Jakovlev-42 crashes into mountain at Ohrid Macedonia, 116 killed
    • 1993 Sam's Town Bowling Invitational won by Robin Romeo
    • 1993 Winnie Mandela's driver/bodyguard murdered in Johannesburg
    • 1993 Savings and Loan scandal: The United States Senate Ethics Committee issues a stern censure of California senator Alan Cranston for his "dealings" with savings-and-loan executive Charles Keating.
    • 1993 58th Iron Bowl: Auburn beats Alabama 22-14 in Auburn
    • 1993 5th College Football Holy War: Boston College beats Notre Dame 41-39 in South Bend (Boston College's first win in the series)
    • 1994 "Flying Karamzov Brothers..." opens at Helen Hayes NYC for 50 performances
    • 1994 "Shadow Box" opens at Circle in Sq Theater NYC for 49 performances
    • 1994 Kosmos 2294/2295/2296 launches
    • 1994 The Angolan government and UNITA rebels sign the Lusaka Protocol in Zambia, ending 19 years of civil war (localized fighting resumed the next year).
    • 1995 "Beatles' Anthology, Vol 1" released
    • 1995 "Racing Demon" opens at Vivian Beaumont Theater NYC for 48 performances
    • 1995 FDA approves new therapy for use as an initial AIDS treatment, 3TC.
    • 1997 Mavericks' A C Green sets NBA record of 907 consecutive games played
    • 1997 NY Islanders lose, beginning a 10 game losing streak
    • 1997 Yohannes Haile-Selassie discovers the partial skull of a 2.5 million year old human ancestor, confirming and establishing the new species Australopithecus garhi, in Bouri, Middle Awash, Ethiopia
    • 1997 Iraq's Revolution Command Council formally endorses an agreement, arranged by Russia, that enables UN weapons inspection teams to resume operations in Iraq
    • 1999 64th Iron Bowl: Alabama beats Auburn 28-17 in Auburn
    • 1999 11th College Football Holy War: Boston College beats Notre Dame 31-29 in South Bend
    • 2000 52nd NASCAR Sprint Cup: Bobby Labonte wins.
    • 2003 After the November 15 bombings, a second day of the 2003 Istanbul Bombings occurs in Istanbul, Turkey, destroying the Turkish head office of HSBC Bank AS and the British consulate.
    • 2004 69th Iron Bowl: Auburn beats Alabama 21-13 in Tuscaloosa
    • 2005 57th NASCAR Sprint Cup: Tony Stewart wins.
    • 2008 After critical failures in the US financial system began to build up after mid-September, the Dow Jones Industrial Average reaches its lowest level since 1997.
    • 2009 The Mexican government declares its economy technically out of recession after 2.93% GDP growth in the third quarter of 2009; Mexico had been in a severe economic crisis for over a year prior to its economic rebound.
    • 2012 Toshiba unveils a robot designed to help in nuclear disasters

Today in history:Slave work ban on Sunday, Howard university established, Pele score his 1000th career goal Today in history:Slave work ban on Sunday, Howard university established, Pele score his 1000th career goal Reviewed by h on 07:23 Rating: 5

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