Americans protest against the president -elect
After Donald Trump has been announced as the president-elect in america
People have taken to the street to protest against his victory. It's is known
About seven cities are protesting against the president-elect
Thousands of Americans flooded the streets of Boston to Los Angeles protesting against the victory if the american
Billionaire victory has the president-elect.
As many as over a thousand people were protesting in the New York.
The protest which has started at about 6pm on Wednesday has seen many peeole and student coming out to protest
Against the president -elect.
Also as early as Tuesday night and early Wednesday people has been seen at the white house showing their
And celebrating their support for trump.
Also at the university of Louisville Kentucky, the base of a large-scale bronze cast of Rodin's "The Thinker" was spray-painted with the message: Trump #BuildThatWall."
Americans protest against the president -elect
Reviewed by h

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