Today in world history.
2015 - France launches air strike on ISIS stronghold in Raqqa in Syria in the wake of terror
attack on Paris .
2014 - A 7.3 magnitude earthquake strikes under the molucca sea in eastern indobesia,
triggering a tsunami warning.
2013 - Sony launches the PlayStation four ,selling one million unit on the first day.
2012 - The eurozone economy returns to recession .
2000 - New state of jharkhand comes into existence.
1999 - New transit of mercury visible in north America.
1837 - Isaac pitman introduces his shorthand system.
1835 - Charles Darwin reaches Tahiti on board HMS Beagle.
1813 - Tax revolt in Amsterdam.
1791 - First catholic college in US , Georgetown, opens.
1715 - Barrier treaty,Austria cedes area to Netherlands .
1688 - Prince Willem lll's army lands at Torbay,England, the glorious revolution commences.
1577 - Sir Francis Drake aboard Pelican travels from Chile to Washington.
1532 - Pope Clemens vll tells Henry vlll to end relationship with Anna Boleyn .
1515 - Thomas Wolsey is invested as a cardinal .
1492 - In LA Guardia , spain, 6 Jews and 5 conversos are accused of ritual murder .
1348 - Rudolph o Oron claims Jews have confessed to poisoning wells.
1315 - Battle of Morgarlen ;Swiss beat duke Leopoid l of Austria.
1988 - PLO proclaims state of Palestine, recognizes Israeli evidence.
1948 - Mackenzie King retires after 22 years as prime minister of Canada .
1884 - Colonization of Africa organized at international conference in Berlin .
1492 - Christopher Columbus notes first recorded reference to tobacco.
2002 - Hu jintao replaced Jiang Zemin as China's communist party leader .
1969 - About ,250,000 protester against the Vietnam ,the largest war protest ever ,
conversed peacefully in Washington, DC.
1939 - The corner stone of the Jefferson memorial was laid by president Rossevelt.
1777 - The continental congress approved the Articles Of Confederation, the procursor to the US constitution.
Today in world history.
Reviewed by h
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